About us


Politics. Business. Culture

IQBAL FORUM Statement:

The IQBAL FORUM is committed to providing non-partisan analysis and engagement with regional issues. Former and future policy, Culture, and trade practitioners from across the political, cultural, and business spectrum have found it a welcoming place to test and sharpen their ideas and civilly engage with those who hold opposing views.


The IQBAL FORUM has embodied the values of integrity, cooperation, diplomacy, independence, innovation, and dialogue to foster a more peaceful and prosperous region. As the region navigates changes in geopolitics, demographics, technology, and society, IQBAL FORUM experts at centers in Tehran and Islamabad, and other countries contribute to a regional conversation about the critical issues of the era. Their work constitutes a lasting investment in seeking regional cooperation through policy-oriented research, innovative ideas, regional and international dialogue, and preparing the next generation of scholar-practitioners. 

In a complex, changing, and increasingly contested region, the IQBAL FORUM generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, supports diplomacy and trade, and trains the next generation of international scholar-practitioners to help countries and institutions take on the most challenging regional problems and advance peace.

IQBAL FORUM Core Strengths:

As a uniquely regional think tank, IQBAL FORUM leverages its network of over 35 experts to understand better the threats and opportunities affecting regional security, Culture, peace, and trade and to prepare the next generation of analysts and leaders through training and mentorship. 

By convening strategic dialogues and back-channel diplomacy, IQBAL FORUM helps deepen and strengthen the relationships between both countries and regional actors as they pursue solutions to complex and contentious issues. 

IQBAL FORUM External Slogan:

More Prosperous Region.

IQBAL FORUM Internal Slogan:

Wing of Wisdom and Wing of Love.


In 2021, Muhammad Hussain Baqeri—A Pakistani businessman living in Iran for more than 30 years and has a rich experience in both countries, i.e., Iran and Pakistan, allocates $ 50,000 to establish IQBAL FORUM, a specialized think thank to strengthen and promote bilateral relations between Iran and Pakistan by primary research, Secondary publications, and higher educations.


Since its founding, the IQBAL FORUM has engaged with both countries’ experts, diplomates, scholars, and civil and military officials to start a back-channel dialogue and produce in-depth research and actionable ideas to help address the most critical and challenging problems between both countries.


 In addition to its head office in Tehran, IQBAL FORUM has established a center in Islamabad.


1.IQBAL FORUM Value Creation Wheel: (IFVCW)

The fundamental concept of IQBAL FORUM is to build value wheels of Communication based on the value creation model. A value wheel is a simple tool that can help Communication take its place at the heart of IQBAL FORUM by aligning the connection between outputs, outcomes, and the value impact they have on the Countries. We expand and develop value wheels by paving the way for Governments to thrive in the Region and Worldwide.


At IQBAL FORUM, we have 3 Types of Values:

Communication Value:

Long & near-term Relationships, greater efficiency, and enhanced Communication;

  1. Optimized communication channel
  2. Workflow efficiency
  3. Reveal target audience interests & preferences
  4. Audience feedback for innovation
  5. Target higher-value Audiences
  6. Grow organic reach
  7. Develop extension and penetration strategy


Audience Value:

Attitudes & behavior that affect brand choice, frequency, and loyalty;

  1. Effective reach
  2. Broaden touch-points & context
  3. Demonstrate uniqueness or differentiation
  4. Increase brand awareness
  5. Reduce Audiences pains:


-Services & support-wise


Cultural Value:

Shared beliefs create a favorable environment in which to operate and influence;

  1. Reputation as an excellent Forum to interact with
  2. Known as a meaningful organization
  3. Increase diversity & inclusiveness
  4. Build sustainable local communities
  5. Improve healthcare & well-being of local communities
  6. Reduce environmental impact


2. IQBAL FORUM Communication Foundation Wheel: (IFCFW)

Among essential elements of IQBAL FORUM Communication foundation—the wellspring of value creation it has fostered thus far are: 

Its finances, human resources, relationships with Audience, brands, Political expertise, and Cultural Resources.


 By effectively and efficiently combining these elements, through our activities, we maximize three types of value—value for Communication, value for audiences, and Value for Culture (the society in which we Perform).

The maximization of this value, in turn, further cements our communication foundation, thereby supporting the creation of even greater value Going Global.

 IQBAL FORUM will strengthen the Communication foundation that functions as its wellspring of value creation while building upon this cycle to improve Forum value.  




Human Capital 

Talented people who can create value. Team of diverse, autonomous individuals 

Financial Capital 

Disciplined financial management 

Global Network Capital 

The synergy created by our regional and global network 

Relationship Capital 

Relationships of mutual trust with Audiences and the ability to make proposals 

Brand Capital 

Trust in the IQBAL FORUM Brand


 Intellectual Capital 

Expertise gained in diverse Political, Business, and Cultural fields 

3. IQBAL FORUM Sustainability Wheel: (IFSW)

For IQBAL FORUM, the pursuit of sustainability involves working toward sustainable growth for society and IQBAL FORUM by partnering with stakeholders based on the IQBAL FORUM value creation Wheel.



 Human Rights:

Respect the rights of people involved in our Communication.



 Develop, supply, and use sustainable resources. 


Human Resources:

 Promote opportunities for diverse human resources and workplace diversity. 



 Emphasize effectiveness and transparency. 


 Local Communities: 

 Develop and grow together with local communities. 



 Contribute to the Regional and global environment through our activities

1. IQBAL FORUM differentiation Wheel: (IFDW)

IQBAL FORUM has differentiated itself in 6 Ways:

  1. IQBAL FORUM Refines Every Step of Communication:

Every step of Communication in IQBAL FORUM should radiate dedicated personal Communication. For three years, we have built a reputation for Honesty, Imagination, Creativity, Agility, Challenge, and Perseverance while providing exemplary dedicated Communication. We combine deep Knowledge of the issues and dedicated services to meet all our Audience’s expectations in an affordable way that always impresses them. 

  1. IQBAL FORUM is Deep:

The region where we perform has political, technical, environmental, cultural, and execution challenges. Therefore, deep domain expertise is required. 

 IQBAL FORUM has three years of challenge management experience necessary to develop complex recipes and execution to gain the Audience’s loyalty.

  1. IQBAL FORUM Constantly Re-Learns: 

At IQBAL FORUM, we continuously challenge ourselves and the status quo. We constantly re-learn from every experience, big or small, every Audience and interaction. We care about the post-event era as much as the event itself. Our Post-Event Meetings (PEM) proved immensely productive, challenging, and re-learning process. Mistakes are an essential part of success but not twice the same mistake. 


  1. IQBAL FORUM Innovates with Every New Audience:

Our audiences want flexibility; some are startups with different tastes and requirements than those of our Audience with much broader experiences. By providing different and customized solutions, we always ensure the best outcomes for every Audience. 



  1. IQBAL FORUM Competes: 

Each of our Audiences has choices.

To be always their best choice, we compete. 

We compete in primary research. 

We compete in Quality. 

We compete in Knowledge. 

We compete in Communication.

We compete in Cost and value. 

However, most importantly, we do not compete with anyone else but with ourselves all the time.



  1. IQBAL FORUM Has a Lean Structure:

Our administrative Cost is only 10 % of our revenues, below most of our peers. We run the organization with small but highly efficient departments, standard processes, and share services. Through our constant effort and maximum use of new social media and communication applications, we aim to be the 24/7 available organization in the regional and international markets. A crucial part of our efficiency is a flexible and state-of-the-art IT backbone.

6. IQBAL FORUM Principal Wheel: (IFPW)

IQBAL FORUM aims to create value and prosperity for our Audience and stakeholders by aligning our strong, capable individuals under six principles:

  1. Honesty: 

Building enduring trust. 


  1. Imagination:

Imagination allows us to think of things that look impossible for the moment, but we will work to make it possible.


  1. Creativity:

Create and recreate every step sufficiently.

  1. Agility: 

Strive for speed and be agile in every possible stage.

  1. Challenge:

Understand every challenge and take calculated risks while being innovative.

  1. Perseverance:

After doing our best, we fully understand that perseverance is necessary for success and prosperity.

1. IQBAL FORUM Scholars Wheel: (IFSW)

 1. Dr. Reza Muhammad

 2. Dr. Khurram Abbsa

 3. Dr. Zafar Jaspal

 4. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

 5. Dr. Qibla Ayaz

 6. Dr. Amber Yasmin

 7. Ms. Amina Khan

 8. Mr. Abdullah Hameed Gul

 9. Mr. Javeed Chudhry

10. Mr. Nasir Shirazi

1. IQBAL FORUM Division Wheel: (IFDV)

Politics and Policy Research Division:


Business Division:


Culture Division:

• IQBAL FORUM Division Wheel Overview:

Politics and Policy Research Division:

  • IQBAL FORUM Dialogues
  • IQBAL FORUM Publication
  • IQBAL FORUM Weekly Analysis
  • IQBAL FORUM Conference and Seminars


Business Division:

  • IQBAL Business Fund
  • Marketing and market analysis
  • Financial and Monetary Services
  • Insurance and Risk Management


Culture Division:

  • IQBAL Arts & Media Institute
  • Documentaries
  • Drama Serials
  • Movies
  • Inspiring and Motivational Clips
  • Music
  • Media startup Platforms

9.IQBAL FORUM Partners Wheel: (IFPW)


2. URD

3. ATU



10. IQBAL FORUM Regional Reach Wheel: (SGRW)






















1. IQBAL FORUM Business Model Wheel: (IFBMW)

Key Partners:

  • IPRI
  • URD
  • ATU
  • TU


Key Activities:

  • Politics and Policy primary research 
  • Dialogues with and between Policy makers and prominent thinkers 
  • Seminars, Conferences, and Events
  • Establishment of IQBAL Business Fund 
  • Establishment of IQBAL Arts& Media House


Key Resources:

  • Deep Domain knowledge of the region, particularly countries we get involved.
  • Highly Talented and expert Human Capital
  • Highly valued Regional & International Connections and Relations


Value Propositions:

  • Professional Communication and problem-solving solutions  
  • Maximum use of Communication, Business, and Culture to strengthen relations and overcome misunderstandings and conflicts


Customer Relationships:

  • Direct and indirect relationships


Customer segments:

  • Countries with the potential to strengthen their relations
  • Islamic Countries, particularly in the Middle East and Asia



  • Direct Correspondences and meetings
  • Events and Conferences
  • Mass Media 
  • Social networks


Cost Structures:

  • Salaries and Compensation for Human Capital
  • Consultant’s Fees
  • R & D’s Investment
  • Events and Marketing

Revenue Structures:

  • Consultancy Services
  • Donations
  • Investments
  • Business Activities